Tuesday, December 25, 2007


I wanted to fashion a song I could bring
to lay at the feet of the one I call King
But as I drew nearer to his manger throne
I just fell on my knees and I worshiped alone
I fell on my knees and my heart found a home

There were the angels singing, the star was shining bright
to welcome the entrance of God's perfect Light
Creation joined together to shout the Savior's birth
So let heaven resound, let there be peace on the earth
Now Heaven's come down, there is peace, peace for the earth

Just think of Mary and Joseph, the shepherds and kings
Such unlikely people, but miraculous things
And still goes the story in our world today
Will our hearts find the room to prepare Him the way?
Will our hearts make the room to prepare the Lord's way?

Oh Jesus, Jesus, Love of God shown
Why would you make a manger your throne?
To rescue a people who stumbled and fell....
This was the hope that the prophets did foretell
And now this is the story that I want to tell...

Merry Christmas to All...May God fill you will His Light, His Peace, His Joy and His Hope as we wait and trust in Him, the One who is ever-faithful to fulfill His promises. Blessings...

Friday, December 07, 2007

Drove to a high place in the city...

Drove to a high place in the city
looked out at the mountains
And the sun was blazing fire
watched as the last ditch ray tried to shine
til' it was swallowed by the blue jagged line
And wondered about the people in the plane
Above my head
until now, this view was undiscovered
But the freedom to explore where I like
has brought me here
And I had a strange thought-
That at this exact moment
there is no one in the world
who knows where I am-
And even if they tried to find me
it would take a while
So it left me feeling a little lonely
but it left me knowing I'm still with you
And you see me here
overlooking my life
here in this time and space
I'm listening to hear who I am
Because the sun goes down so fast

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Advent Reflection...

I just got this from an email from the Chaplain at Denver Seminary, who is also my professor for the class I've been taking this semester called "Readings of the Spiritual Masters". Somehow, Advent snuck up on me this year. I will blog more later about it's personal meaning, but for now, I wanted to post this Advent Reflection from our Chaplain to help in preparation...

This Sunday, December 2, is the beginning of Advent season in which we look forward in hope to the celebration of the Feast of Christmas. I hope this reflection will begin your preparation for the coming of Christ in a new and fresh way into your heart and into your world.

Luke 3:1-6---A time of preparation
"We have come to understand a threefold coming of the Lord. The third coming lies between the other two. Two of the comings are clearly visible, but the third is not. In the first coming the Lord was seen on earth, dwelling among us; and as he himself testified, they saw him and hated him. In his final coming all flesh shall see the salvation of our God, and they will look on him whom they pierced. The intermediate coming is hidden, in which only his chosen recognize his presence within themselves and their souls are saved. In his first coming our Lord came in our flesh and in our weakness; in the intermediate coming he comes in spirit and in power; in his final coming, he will be seen in glory and majesty. This intermediate coming is like a road on which we travel from his first coming to his last. In the first, Christ was our redemption; in the last, he will appear as our life; in his intermediate coming, he is our comfort and our rest." ---Bernard of Clairvaux

Advent trains us to recognize His hidden comings. How has He come to you recently?

"Loving Saviour, be pleased to show yourself to us who knock, so that in knowing you we may love only you, love you alone, desire you alone, contemplate only you day and night, and always think of you. Inspire in us the depth of love that is fitting for you to recieve as God. So may your love pervade our whole being, possess us completely, and fill all our senses, that we may know no other love but love for you who are everlasting. May our love be so great that the many waters of sky, land and sea connot extinguish it in us: for many waters cannot quench love. May this saying be fulfilled in us also, at least in part, by your gift, Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen." ---Columbanus (543-615)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

a year in the life of me...

I am having a stare down with the big 3-0 and I feel strangely excited about it. Today marks the one year anniversary of working at Hope House. Once again, I marvel at what has happened in the last 365 days of my fleeting life. Here are some things I've learned:

I've Learned That...

1) When God really wants to get your attention, don't worry, he will. It might even be while you're buying makeup at Target.

2) Having to give your dog away really, really, really sucks.

3)It's possible to have the flu, a cold, sinus infection, bronchitus and pinkeye all at the same time...and survive to tell about it.

4) that my "mommy" clock is ticking, and that's okay.

5)Just because I don't see an outcome doesn't mean that God isn't doing something behind the scenes.

6) I miss the Catholic Church, but that doesn't necessarily mean that's where I'm supposed to be right now.

7) You can run a full marathon and a year later not be able to run 2 miles without having to stop...dangit!

8)That I really miss being in a close community of people my own age.

9)God cared that I wanted a sunroom in my next house

10) When I get depressed, my house gets dirty

11) It's okay to admit that I'm really lonely. It doesn't mean I trust less, it just means I feel more.

12) I miss youth ministry

13) I love working with teen moms

14) I can really love someone even when they're about to punch me in the face.

15) Getting snowed in at work for 3 days isn't really that bad!!!

16) Craigslist ROCKS!

17) Jettas are evil

18) Having your own space is a really healthy thing.

19) Dressing up as Tigger for Halloween 2 years in a row is great fun

20) The smallest gesture of interest means A LOT when you've waited a really long time for it.

21) God has it all.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

I need a man...to change my oil

Wait, let me rephrase that. I need a man to unscrew the bolt on the bottom of my oil pan, so that I can go ahead and do the rest. I usually find myself quite capable, usually fairly intuitive and resourceful. I've needed my oil changed for a while now and I'm going on a trip next weekend. My brother in law was the last one to change the oil in my car and I should have known better. It is true: I am no match for Jerry's bionic arm, which keeps tightening things until he himself can barely undo it the next time (except that he has the bionic thing going for him, so he finds a way). One time, he pulled the emergency brake on my car so tight while parking it, that I had to call him to come and release it. Man.

So, I got the oil, filter, wrench, gloves, oil pan, rags and proceeded to crawl under my car. This feels good. I am woman. Watch me change oil. 15 minutes later, the only progress I've made is a fairly good workout, a cramping leg muscle, one piece of tumbleweed and two leaves in my hair and many repetitions of "you piece of crap". I don't really know what I was referring to or who I was slurring with that statement. Maybe my arm, which apparently is NOT bionic.

So, I gave up...for now. I know how to do the rest. It's just that stupid bolt which will not budge. So, like I said, I do need a man...with a wrench in his hand. Maybe I'll post it to Craigslist.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Ode to the Changing of Seasons...

I don't know if this is really an ode, but nevertheless, I write. For the past few years, I've really struggled with the changing of seasons from Summer to Fall and Winter. I think one reason is because at heart I'm a California girl. I love the heat and sunshine, and although we moved to Colorado when I was 7, we still have over 300 days of sunshine here, too. I just begin to feel different when those fall winds come. It kind of messes with me, and I hate it, but it's my reality. I truly just feel DIFFERENT. Right now we are definitely in between. Tonight I went for a run. The temperature was perfect, but not too far down the road and I smelled the smell of smoke, a fireplace. The smell of winter, and I penned this to that effect.

breathing in the tell-tale sign

You may arrive-although not today

Seeing by the leaves all tousled in the trees

Something's in the wind-not ready to begin

I know that...

this is the in between

you can't decide

When you'll land

or how long you'll hide

This is the in between

snowflake or shine

leaves me feeling

like a leaf about to fall

and I will rise or fall with you

What makes you change the way you do?

So unpredictable, wish I could wrap my arms around you

Usher in another season and the signs of change

This is not how you make me feel

Do you know how you make me feel?

Could I but learn to accept that this is how it is

This is how it will be as much as I can forsee

Then I could enjoy the moments of unknowing

Knowing that change not now will still be

So I see that...

this is the in between

you can't decide

When you'll land

or how long you'll hide

This is the in between

snowflake or shine

leaves me feeling

like a leaf about to fall

and I will rise or fall with you

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Dear Freaking Spider...

I want to let you know that I don't appreciate the unsolicited bite you seemed to feel necessary to inflict upon me. My leg hurts like mad dogs and is swollen and ugly, all thanks to you. I'd bite you back if I could, just to make it even, but I'd never bite a spider in a million years, so I guess you win this round, you jerk. Maybe I should describe in detail what I did to one of your pathetic relatives the other night. Or maybe you should just check out his flatness on the wall, compliments of my shoe-HA! Take that and chew on it! (yeah, instead of my leg next time)...

Sunday, September 09, 2007

A year ago today...

Today marks the one year anniversary of living back in Colorado. On September 9, 2006 I left Nebraska to follow what I felt was God's direction and next step for me. There were so many steps that even led up to that. Steps of preparation, things that I had to release from my sometimes clenched fists. It was a process and it remains a process still. Life is the means, the end is to follow my maker with heart, soul, mind and strength.

Thank you, My God for bringing me back here. Thank you for every day of the past year when I've felt hopeless and wondered what was next. Thank you for giving me a church and people to connect to. Thank you for Hope House, for the girls and everyone who works there. I know that I am so blessed to be there. Thank you for provision at just the right moment. You know what I need and when. Thank you for a place to live: First at dad and Suzi's, then here in my own place. I could not have imagined this place to exist, but you opened the door wide for me. Thank you for continued opportunities with music, and that it never looks quite like I imagined it to, but it's always so good. And the priviledge of worshiping you is enough in and of itself. Thank you for telling me to wait and then giving me the hope to do so. You have confirmed so many things that I re-affirm my committment to you. I will wait as long as you tell me to. Thank you for peace in my heart. Thank you for showing me the difference of when it's you leading and when it's me trying to gain control. I am much more at peace when it's you and this is beyond a complete understanding or explanation, but I know the difference now.

"Lord, enfold me in the depths of your heart; and hold me there, refine, purge and set me on fire, raise me aloft until my own self knows utter annihilation"

A prayer of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and one that I pray tonight

I could not have done this without you. I can't live tomorrow, the next day, week, month or year without you. In fact, my next breath is a credit to you, so help me to be mindful of that, ready to live in a way that reflects that very fact.

You have all my love, my savior, my God.

I say this to you in gratitude and thanks.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

a post script...

After posting the previous picture and thoughts about my mom, I looked at the date and just realized that September 5th would have been the 37th Anniversary of my parents marriage...

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Wow, I really missed my mom tonight. Sometimes this feeling comes out of nowhere and it's like a wave, very sudden and intense and then just the same, it loses it's intensity and washes back quickly into the other more dormant emotions. It would be so nice just to talk with her face to face...but I know she knows.

This is a painting of her that hangs in my grandparents house. She and my uncle had it done for my grandparents anniversary when they were in college. I think it is one of their most treasured possessions.

Monday, September 03, 2007

A Father to the fatherless...

I'm so sad. I feel sick to my stomach. Nothing lets you prepare for this. Nothing, nothing, nothing at all.

Tonight I had to be the one to tell one of our teen moms at Hope House that the father of her two babies is dead. He was killed early this morning in a single car accident in the mountains. He was ejected from the vehicle and died instantly.

His sister came unannounced to the door because she was afraid it would be released and she would find out in a bad way. So she came and what can you do? I'll never forget her face. She knew. She just looked at me with huge eyes and said "what is going on? Is it bad? It's bad, isn't it?" I said, "Yes, it's bad". Then she heard his sister say he was dead and she just lost it.

She's 7 months pregnant with his baby and he's gone. He was going to be in the delivery room with her. I just held her and I could feel her stomach sobbing in and out and all I could think was of the little baby in there and that she'll never know her daddy. Then I thought of sweet Anya alseep in her crib so unaware that she'll never remember her daddy, either.


I must remember the words I wrote 4 years ago and still believe tonight

I keep trying to figure you out
But all I see is more mystery
But I've felt your loving arms around my heart
So this is real enough for me

Real enough for me
a father to the fatherless
Real enough for me
a shelter in the wilderness
Real enough for me
so even when my eyes can't see
Still I know your love is real enough for me

When shades of doubt come and cloud my eyes
and I can't see you standing here
then I will hold tight to the unseen hands
and let go of all my fears

You're real enough for me
a father to the fatherless
real enough for me
a shelter in the wilderness
real enough for me
so even when my eyes can't see
still I know your love is real enough for me
still I know your love is real enough for me

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The other end of the line...

Sometimes I want to walk away from the water

But something keeps tugging on me

Telling me to wait-just a little bit longer

If Wisdom speaks, it is the language of patience

Saying I don't have to know it all right now...

Are you my blessing?

Are you my curse?

Standing in the blazing sun

Fan the flame of love-an uncomfortable burn

But there is one thing I've come to

There is no where else to run to

You've given me the sign

I believe you're the one on the other end of the line

Just another random call

meant nothing at all- a check off the list

And there you were again

out of the blue-your voice bringing me to you

And I'm sure you didn't know

Do you even wonder?...

Are you my blessing?

Are you my curse?

Standing in the blazing sun

Fan the flame of love-an uncomfortable burn

But there is one thing I've come to

There is no where else to run to

You've given me the sign

I believe you're the one on the other end of the line

Saturday, August 11, 2007

22 years ago today...

My family moved from Southern California out to Arvada, Colorado on August 11, 1985. We arrived in our 1983 Two tone blue Dodge Ram Van that early morning. I remember that trip, bits and snippets of it. I remember the last thing I did before leaving California was to get a doll from my friend, Sarah. She was gone out of town, but her mom delivered it for me telling me that Sarah said she would miss me and wanted me to have her baby doll...and I still have it. I also remember the trip across the Nevada desert in the middle of the night. There's this strange feeling that I'm still 7 years old every time I make that trip, even now. It's the cool of the night, the glow of the semi-truck red and yellow side lights as they pass you- almost like a race in slow motion. There's the memory of staring out the van windows at the utter blackness and stars while laying on my back after we reclined the van bench seats down into the queen sized bed...seat belts? Nah. I also remember that my dad would play oldies and light rock, but when we'd sleep, he would adjust the radio to only play through his speaker up front, so it was this soft melody mixed with the sound of the road as I drifted off to sleep. There was one song that said "every time you go away, you take a piece of me with you..." My dad would add "Cuz' you stuck a booger in my pocket!" I totally didn't get the joke and my sisters had to explain to me that if someone stuck a booger in your pocket, you would actually be taking a piece of them with you...hahahahahah...but, yes, I still remember that, too! I can vividly remember pulling into my aunt and uncle's house up in Blue Mountain in the early morning and seeing my then 11 year old cousin, Luke spill out of their 5th wheel in his superhero pajamas rubbing his eyes and sprawling around with his lanky arms and legs all over the place to welcome us.

The funny thing is that I've always remembered this anniversary. I have no idea why it's always stuck in my mind. I mean at 8 and 9 years old, I was remembering this on my own and I don't think a year has ever gone by that I don't think of it and figure how many years it's been. I think it was that much of a monumental event in my young experience that it has always stayed as such.

Now, I think about how different life would be if we hadn't moved. I really can't even fathom it. I think about it again in light of my recent move back to Arvada after 10 years in Nebraska. Already, I can't imagine not having made this move. So much has happened to show me that this is exactly as it should be...rough roads to get here and all. I am reminded of a beautiful tapestry that the creator of time and space is weaving and how skillfully he places each thread precisely in it's place. I am reminded that it is much bigger than the thread that I can see and that I can trust that these steps are ordered and that so much more will make sense as it is revealed.

I am grateful for much of the journey being unknown at the time we take it. It is only in the stepping, the changing, that we see that it was in the plan all along and that our lives are much bigger and more interwoven than ever thought possible.

So I take joy in these 22 years of adventure and I welcome the next 22, hoping that I can embrace all the roads that I must take to get to the unknown destination where I am going.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Happy Birthday to a Miracle Man...

I'd like to acknowledge and say Happy 59th Birthday to my dad, Phil Francis. The reason that I say he's a miracle man is because I've seen miracles in him, especially in the last 10 years.

There was a time that he was so lost in his own sin that I couldn't imagine him ever coming back. That was also the time that I had so much hatred for him in my heart that I could never imagine having, much less ever wanting a relationship with him again anyway.

Now, I'm not saying that things are perfect now, of course they're not! but what I do want to say is that our God is a redeeming God. He takes the utter mess of our lives and exchanges it for his healing when we cooperate with Grace. This is the action I've seen in our lives.

So, I'm thankful to have a restored relationship with my dad. I'm so glad he's turned his life back to the One who gave it to him in the first place. I'm glad he's out of the "fog" and that he has peace of heart.

I'm glad that I can tell my dad "I love you" and really mean it.

Happy Birthday, Dad.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

I was a little bummed but actually, I'm really happy...

I love you, Lord, my Rock, my Redeemer. My soul clings to you, my lips praise you. I am a servant desperate for you. My heart desires you, my God. I consecrate all that I am to you."

I wrote this prayer a couple of days ago at the end of a fast that was an amazing time with God. I don't know how all of this works. How do I know that I have communed with the maker of the universe? Here I am in my apartment in Arvada and I am having this intimate time with the God of everything??? If I think about it much at all, I cannot even begin to wrap my mind around the idea and it all becomes befuddled in my desire to understand. I think I would like to suffice it to say that there are things you just know at your deepest core. When you really know and experience someone's love for you, when you know that you love someone deeply, when you know someone has just really listened to your heart. It is like this with God. Beyond explaining and yet you know. Maybe the greatest proof of all is that you can't explain it, because things that can be explained can be explained away and yet this...it is so much deeper and it is the most real thing I know. I'm so glad.

So tonight as I blog, I am sitting out on the deck of my apartment house. I have been moved in since the middle of June and I absolutely love it here. It is exactly what I needed. It's the upstairs level apartment of a 2 story house in a nice neighborhood. It backs up to a field, so it is peaceful. I have 2 bedrooms, a beautiful kitchen, huge windows through the whole house, a sunroom that leads out to a huge deck with a view. Except for the bat I just heard, it's perfect! :) It's pretty dark out here except for the light of my computer screen and the moon. The temp is so mild and the crickets are going crazy. I feel blessed. I am blessed.

Earlier tonight, I went to Wal-Mart and ended up feeling pretty depressed. Actually, I think I always feel that way there. I think it's the fact that I know I'm going to buy "stuff" (that fact alone should make everyone depressed!), spend money I don't want to, be surrounded by strangers and generally these days, I get to feeling pretty lonely when I go out on my own. It's not anything new, but it's just more accute. At the height of my bummed-ness I saw Kurt Vogt from church and we chatted, so that was nice to be connected.

About the accuteness: It's like this symptom of something to come. The more the ache, the more the relief. I think change is coming. I am happy sitting on my deck alone, but I'll rejoice when I can invite someone along on this journey, and be part of theirs, too. I feel like it could almost be time, but In the space in between now and then, I feel that I'm doing exactly what I should be, not just sitting around wishing. There is so much peace in that alone.

So, tonight, I am enjoying my surroundings, being honest with my feelings, thankful for the weekend to hang out with my sister and her boys, celebrate my dad and brother's birthday, thankful for God's provision and grateful to be alive right here and now.

Maybe that's all I need to say for now.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Love hurts, heals, hopes

I took this picture on the way up to Nebraska...the most amazing rainbow I've ever seen in my life and it was 100 times more brilliant in person...it speaks to me of hope...

I'm trying to process this day in my life...

*My job rips my heart up and down, inside and out and every which way. Sometimes I love it so much I hate it.

One of our girls left today after her crack addicted mom called and said "We're moving to Mississippi. Pack your bags and be ready to go". All this girl wants is her mom to want her and to take care of her like she did before she was a crack head. She just wants to be with her family even if that means she gets hurt. She's like a little girl, but she's now a mom at 16 and I wonder how do you reconcile those two? It was just 2 days ago that I took her and her little baby to see the fireworks show and we talked and walked and laughed and ate sonic together and she asked my opinion on tough life questions and we prayed together. She just barely gets the start to a different life and her mom rips it right out of her hands. I just don't get it. I wanted to see her smiling face on graduation day and now she's headed to what?

*One of the other moms let her 17 month old go with the dad for the first time- a weekend visit. It was almost too much for her to handle. He came and picked her up this morning and as soon as she handed her off to him, the baby just froze as if to say, "I don't know what's going on, but I know I don't like it." As he turned to go, the baby lunged for me, full arms stretched out trying to get out of his arms and into mine and I felt like my heart cracked in two and fell onto the floor. This was 1/2 hour after being told that the other resident was leaving to Mississippi. I'm just sick to my stomach and my heart.

* yesterday, we celebrated the new life of yet another of our residents giving birth to her second baby in a year. Her daughter turned 1 last monday and she delivered daughter #2 yesterday. A beautiful girl, so perfect in every way. New life, new love, new hope. Maybe this is what keeps me going. It has to, it just has to.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

A random memory from the past...

Tonight I took a personality profile that asked all those same questions about your interests and what word describes you best, etc...it brought back this connection to a strange memory...

In College in Chadron, Nebraska, every year around Valentine's Day, the campus activities board would do a "love match test" for $1.00. They would give you a fill in the bubble test with all sorts of questions, you would turn it it and it would be matched up with those who best fit as your match through similarities and commonality. Well, a lot of people did this just for fun and so I filled one out my freshman year. Well, I got back the results (8 guys, I think) There were two of these guys who now stand out to me very well (I didn't know either of them at that time). Several years later, one ended up marrying my best friend and the other one married my cousin (my very close friend as well)...

Isn't that weird?

Monday, May 07, 2007

And this is how I feel...

I'm always moving,
but my heart's standing still;
It's waiting right next to you.
And you may not know it,
but someday you will-
that I'm already gone for you.
Yes, my heart's so far gone for you.

Did you see the look-
The look in my eyes?
It was a look I tried hard to disguise.
But when I heard your name,
then I heard your voice,
my heart jumped in-
and I had no choice...

I'm always moving,
but my heart's standing still;
It's waiting right next to you.
And you may not know it,
but someday you will-
that I'm already gone for you.
Yes, my heart's so far gone for you...

Friday, May 04, 2007

heart friends and I don't know my neighbor...

I've been on this search, and I've been using this phrase for the last few months now. Heart Friends. I don't really remember when I started using it. Okay, now as I think more intently, I do. I was talking to one of the youth interns at church. He was saying that he really longed to find that person, that group of people to truly connect with. I related to his sentiment and I said, "yes, the heart friends". Not in terms of "gee, I wish I wasn't single." It's more of the feeling of asking, "where are the people who, if given the choice would want to be around, hang out with, have a deep conversation with me, more than anyone else in the world?" I don't think this is a selfish question, because I have to ask who those people are for me as well. When you find someone, and you find that you think that way about each other, then you have found a heart friend, and heart friends are pretty much for life. I have Jessica, Jenny and Crystal. These are my closest heart friends and yet they are so far away and that doesn't diminish the friendship, but it makes me long for that same connection with people where I am right now. I don't mean that I want 50 heart friends...that would be dangerous! I just mean one or two...

I reconnected with my high school friend Melissa today. I drove away from her house feeling that I may have found one of the two people I described. It's been years since we've seen each other, but it was like the time that had passed only strengthened the things that brought us together in high school...the core of who we are has not changed. We've been on very similar journeys in our spiritual life, from beginning to end, and honestly, I had forgotten that, or maybe I never even knew. It was so refreshing to talk to her and feel totally understood and be able to ask her deep questions. That just doesn't happen every day and I'm thankful it was today for the both of us...thanks, God.

So, I went from Melissa's straight to the DMV in Arvada. Please, let me recommend that if you're considering a trip to the DMV, avoid Fridays at 4:30! It wasn't THAT horrible, just busy. Anyway, as I was getting ready to get out of my car, I looked out the window and saw my next door neighbor. He is unmistakeable. His limp, his twisted arm and frequent smile, or grimmace, I'm not sure which one. And that feeling came back to me. It's that feeling that happens both in the pit of my stomach and in my heart and it's heavy and it almost hurts and takes half of a breath away. I don't think it's pity, but I feel like I hurt with him, and then I realized the worst part of it all: I don't even know my neighbor's name. Sure, sometimes I wave when I'm driving away in a rush, but I've never stopped to meet him or show that I would care to do so. I never even realized that he was in such bad shape as what I saw today. I think it's Muscular Dystrophy, but I'm not sure. The limp reminds me of a friend of mine who is a priest and has similar, although much less severe symptoms. Crazy thing is, I've never asked him either.
I sat there for a few moments in this realization and then I went inside. He was going to the DMV as well and was right ahead of me getting his number, so I thought I might sit next to him and talk to him for the first time. I'm not saying that he NEEDS me to talk to him, it just struck me so hard that I never have. There wasn't any room where he sat, so I moved on. After a while they called his number and he got up and started walking his jilting, crooked limp to the next DMV worker's station. About halfway there, and right in front of me, his rubber sole caught the linoleum and sent him tripping, barely able to keep himself upright. He stumbled into a chair and grabbed it for balance, righting himself just in time. People, including myself, just watched, but I felt like I was melting from the top of my head down. I wonder if this is what Jesus felt and why he paid the most attention to the lepers and the sick and lame. Passed over by most, he saw the ones who endured the pain and trials physically and spoke to their need. I think of Hagar in the desert. Mistreated by Sarah, her mistress, she fled and God met her in the desert and gave ear to her suffering and her need. From that point she named God "El Roi", which means "the God who sees me". Jesus is also that. The God who sees my neighbor, even when I don't. But today I did see him and I felt this mysterious thing begin inside of me, a renewed awareness..."who is your neighbor?" Well, I guess I know the answer...Maybe I'll bake cookies, maybe I'll just quit being in such a stupid hurry, maybe I'll just introduce myself...maybe I can just start "seeing" more often.

It's funny that I write about seeing things. Today, a friend of mine took me to this prayer chapel right off one of the main roads in Arvada. One I travel frequently, yet I've never taken the time to stop, and I barely even remembered it was there. As we were walking up to it, I said to her, "I know I've looked at this chapel before, but I guess I just never really saw it". Same thing with my neighbor. And for as beautiful as the chapel was, my neighbor is all the more so, and people are all the more so, for we are broken, but still in His image, and I really want to see that.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

because I can blog...

This is the first time I've started writing a blog without having a title to it. Tonight I just want to write and I have no idea what I want to write. A lot of people entitle their blog "ramblings", which I feel is insulting because it almost negates the validity of their thoughts and processes, however, tonight my blog may be just that: Ramblings....ramblings with validity, that is.

*i'm listening to Third Day's song in which Mac Powell is screaming out "There's a light at the end of this tunnel for you, keep holding on". God bless Third Day, but hearing that only leaves me cynical tonight in a variety of ways: Is there really a light? Also, couldn't there have been a more original way to express this thought? Seems much too pat and easy to say...

*I borrowed John Mayer's CD, "Continuum" this weekend and listened to it several times. After one such time, I turned on the radio to KLOVE and the music sounded like shmazbah...I just made up this word, but I think it expresses the thought just fine. I'm excited to be part of this new songwriter's group that will be starting soon. I want to make sure my music is not...well, you know.

*I came home from church today and was met at my door by Joann and Jill, two Jehovah's Witnesses. Joann and I had talked before. You know, it was VERY interesting. Although I disagree with a lot, it really got me started thinking again about how and if I and we, as in church, are truly doing things that are bringing God's Kingdom here on earth. Am I really doing the things that are closest to God's heart? I wonder if I saw a breakdown of my life as God sees it, how much is really lived for him and for his purposes. Man, I hope it's a lot. I really hope so.

The next 4 months should be very interesting...I'm excited to see what God does with this time. I'm applying to Denver Seminary and I've committed to the fact that I'll be moving out by September, which will be one year that I've been here in Colorado and I have no idea what this looks like or how or how I can swing this...

I'm falling into respect and "like" with someone. Sounds odd, but that's all I can figure to call it right now.

I'm so tired I'm falling asleep right now.



Monday, March 12, 2007

You Surpass Them All...

It was 10 years ago today, and the sun was shining, just as it is now. I am warmed by the rays and I feel the comfort of it in my heart, although there are tears as well.

10 years ago, this would not have even been a possibility, but today, as I mark and honor the 10 year anniversary since my mom went to be with God, I am actually sitting here in the cemetary, next to her grave and typing this blog on my laptop, and it is comfortable. And it is so real. I look again at the daffodils I just put next to the gravestone and they look like the sun to me. I'm glad I chose them, because they also look like my mom: Radiant and full of life and their face is turned towards the sun.

Maybe I should write something about her life...something before she got sick...something from the good memories before Leukemia ravaged her body...but I don't think so, all the same. It was in her living that God was seen, yes. But how much more it was in her weakness that God's glory was accoplished so beautifully and so perfectly. It was in her dying that she said a full "YES" to God's ultimate will in her life.

And so I remember March 12, 1997 like a crystal clear picture in my mind.

It had been about a week since the doctor's had sent her home saying that there was nothing else that they could do for her. I remember that day that we took her in and she was so weak that as I wheeled her through the hospital corridor, she leaned her head back on my stomach...I remember waiting for the doctor and she talked about her funeral and I told her that I didn't want to see her die and I didn't want to see her with no life in her eyes. I was scared because I knew I was looking death in the face. She just listened.
We went home with oxygen-that was it. No more chemo, no more antibiotics. No solutions. It was the waiting game.

March 12. It had been a week. A horrible week. The sound of the oxygen machine 24 hours a day. The morphine drip. We had taken turns being in her room and I was exhausted. I remember being in the bathroom and asking God to please just let the sun be shining when she died.

I had left her room to go take a nap on the couch and after about an hour, I woke up and felt compelled to go back into her room. My sister was there, counting the time between her breaths...30 seconds...a minute...as we waited, we started singing "Great is Thy Faithfulness", her favorite hymn...

Great is Thy Faithfulness, O God my Father
There is no shadow of turning with thee
Thou changest not, thy compassions they fail not
As thou hast been, thou forever will be

Great is Thy Faithfulness, Great is thy faithfulness
Morning by morning, new mercies I see
All I have needed thy hands hath provided
Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me....

We waited for another breath...and it never came. I asked Heather what we should do. She said, "Just keep singing..."

And we did. That is how my mom went to God... And the sun was shining.

I learned so much from my mom.

She told me that if her dying would bring even one person closer to Christ, then it would all be worth it.

She told me "Krista, don't ever wait to live your whole life for God. It is the only thing that really matters"

She found her victory through her surrender.

There is so much more I could write. I feel that this tribute is so insignificant, so incomplete. But now, I have to go to work. I have to leave this stone and grass that pays tribute to her life. I have to go live my tribute. And I want to live it well. God, help me to live it well.

And the sun was shining, just as it is now...

Friday, March 02, 2007

Ken in Canada...


thanks for the comments and compliments...The only way I could figure to get in touch with you was to post a blog for you to read...do you have a blog I can reply back to? I've tried and I can't find it! Send me a comment and let me know...


Thursday, March 01, 2007

If I could strangle a car...

As I was saying, if I could strangle a car, I would strangle my 2000 Jetta TDI. Not only would I strangle it, but in order to cover up the evidence, I would find one heavy, heavy brick to put on the accelerator, and I would throw my head back in laughter as I watched it plummet off of the steepest cliff I could find. (I don't know how this actually works considering it's a stick shift, but in my vengeful utopia, it works just fine.) Is it okay that I'm feeling murderous towards an inanimate object? Yes, I think it is more than okay, it is deserved, it is justified. IT IS RIGHT!!! (here is where I let off a string of German cuss words since it is a Volkswagen- well, I only know one, but for emphasis sake, let's just imagine that I know a string of them). How did I get here? Please, let me begin.

Maybe I should humble myself enough to say that it could be possible that I should be the one being strangled for making such a lousy, lousy purchase, but I would much rather have something inanimate be the victim rather than myself, who is quite animate, if I do say so myself. But still, let me be the first to say that I suffer from this complex with cars. For the sake of naming said complex, let us call it, "the car is always greener on the other side". I have played this little game for 12 years of driving and to the tune of 15 cars...I'm losing count, but I'm pretty sure that's right. Don't do the math, because, yes, it is more than a car per year.

It always starts with some brainiacical idea (word invented to emphasize how un-brainy it truly is). This latest test case began in June and the conversation went something like this in Kristaland:

Krista 1: "It's June and you know we're moving to Colorado soon"
Krista 2: "Yes, yes we are"
Krista 1: "you have a beautiful 2003 Subaru Forester and you love that it's red"
Krista 2: "You're right, I do love that"
Krista 1: "You also have a $241 per month payment. Do you love that?"
Krista 2: "NO! No, I don't love that at all."
Krista 1: "Can you even afford that, you penniless musician who just quit her job?"
Krista 2: "You're so right, what am I going to do?"
Krista 1 and 2 (in Unison): "SELL THE CAR, SELL THE CAR!!!!!"
Krista 2: "But what will we drive?"
Krista 1: "What you really need is a Jetta Diesel...They're cute and they get 50 miles to the gallon...and remember, you are a musician and that means traveling, which means lots of gas, which means lots of money and that's something YOU DON'T HAVE!
Krista 2: Oh yes, you're so right, and I've got an idea, too! We can buy a conversion kit and turn that diesel into a greasecar and when I'm out doing concerts I'll just stop off at the local McDonald's and have them load me up with some french fry grease and away I go...all people will be in awe of my ingenuity and care for the environment and I will be in awe of my ever increasing checkbook because I am not spending money on gas!"
Krista 1: "How did we ever get so smart?"

Let me pause and say that none of the above thought dialogue was falsified. Sad but true.

So I went about selling my "Red Ruby the Subee" in August and began driving my poor little brother's would be car for college: A 1994 Ford Escort Wagon: 245,000 miles. Poor kid bought into the belief that my Jetta would be coming any minute. I just had a flashback here: This is reminicent of me at 10 years old hearing some swashbuckling endtimes preacher predict that Jesus was coming back on September 8, 1988 at midnight. I bought it, hook, line and sinker and that son of a gun scared me silly. September 8th came and there I was, frozen with fear under my covers with just enough of the blanket pulled up to see the red display of my clock radio with one eye... 11:57...11:58...11:59....aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!12:00.
Nothing. No Jesus...(Did he say which time zone Jesus was in?)

True story. And all that to say, that unlike Jesus, my Jetta DID come. (Sorry, Jesus, I still do believe in you, just not in the psychomaniac rapture guy- there is a difference) But I digress.

My Jesus Jetta arrived fresh off of Craigslist...from Maine...with a busted timing belt, which equalled a busted engine...but boy howdy was this the car for me! (it also came with a busted antenna, a dangling side mirror and a dent in the fender the size of a giant's fist, all standard). I'll spare you most of the painful details except that three tows later, once to the house and twice to Nebraska and back, it still wasn't running right. I met a neat guy, Tom the tow truck man who was a musician, too. Yep, we swapped CD's over my dead Jetta. And I almost forgot that fourth tow: He traded me that one straight up for the Maine license plate for his collection (very hard to find those Northeastern states, he said).

I got it to Osborn VW repair who promptly quoted me $2600 more in repairs...this was my freak out day...the day I used my meager retirement...the day I should have gotten a clue...well, that was probably a few days before that, actually.

So it was "See ya, Osborn" and my savior brother in law, Jerry got the parts and got it up and running and in the time it took him to drive back to Nebraska, I got a call saying "Sell that car, Krista". Huh? What? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

The verdict was: Those crazy Europeans thought it would be a good idea to make all their parts cost 3 times as much, and I was going to die a slow, painful, very expensive Jetta death, even if it was running at the moment.

I was in denial for about 10 minutes. Then I swiftly put it back on Craigslist. Phone rang off the hook with all the people who just had to have a Jetta. Be my guest.

Fast Forward to this weekend: I got a 3 day temporary and decided to take it for one more ride of glory before sale day. To Nebraska and back. Easy. You know what's coming, don't you?

On the way back in to Denver it got a little sluggish. Next day, it was still sluggish. My heart is dropping because all the sudden, it feels like I'm driving a car with emphyzema and there's this wheezing, airy sound when I accelerate.

My serious potential buyer (from Portland, nonetheless) wanted me to have a pre-sale inspection, which I did today, in dread. And yes, my Jetta TDI has now become a Jetta DI. The "T" is for "Turbo" and mine is gone. Did you notice what happens when the "T" is gone? I just did. That's right, it's a Jetta DI, as in "Die". Is this prophetic? I'm going to say yes. (and don't worry, I'm not going to rip the Portland guy off). The mechanic, in his oh so sensitive way said, "Ha ha! You're going to sell this? I wouldn't even let anybody LOOK at this car!" Thank you so very much, now would you like a ride in my trunk?

I'm already so far gone into this thing, I'd cry, but it's a waste of precious energy. It is what it is. I said it was a Jesus Jetta, but unfortunately, I think the comparisons stop just shy of the resurrection. My three days temporary tags are dead and the car is following close behind. I figure that this sad saga is just my latest chapter in the book I'll write someday called, "Why I learned to ride a unicycle"...

In the meantime, where's that brick?

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

This is how I see it...

I picture God as this larger than life grandfather/ wise man type who is sitting in his very comfy rocker, smoking his pipe. All at once he looks down on the floor and I'm the little squeaking mouse totally freaking out, running around in circles because I can't figure this all out, totally disoriented and the cat should be pouncing any minute now. But God, as the grandfather/wise man doesn't squash me or shoo me away, in fact, he's totally unaffected by me except for his compassion. He smiles and scoops me up and gently places me into a little mouse sized rocker right next to his. Doesn't really say much, just blows a puff of smoke and chuckles, which lets me know he's got the skinny on things. And then we start to rock together. I use so much energy trying to keep up, trying to rock with him. I finally wear myself out, but the funny thing is, I'm still rocking. I look up at him, quite confused, but when I see his eyes twinkling and his face barely holding back a knowing smile, I finally realize that the only reason I've been rocking this whole time is because his foot has been gently pushing my chair back and forth....

that's how I see it.

Friday, January 19, 2007

The Inmost Fear...

Why do I fear?
God is here,
deep within-
covering nakedness,
mothering boldness,
sustaining exuberance,
restraining insolence,
siring insight,
firing lovelight,
fulfilling hollowness,
instilling hallowedness
of lung, limb, and life
with tongued fire and crossed strife-
through Christ's indwelling,
outwelling, sorrow-quelling,
joy-swelling victory-
warm love straining
to be heard, to be loved,
yet quiet as a craning ear in silent expectation,
as simple and lonely as a man's sigh,
as rich and crowded as God's sea
in which I swim to eternity
alone in crowded company-
I, a mere glint of God's light,
a mere hint of his might,
yet having the mint of his Son on my heart:
a cross sweeping to God's glorying
and a love flaming with God's worrying-
Christ about me,
in me,
with me,
today the darkening fierce joy of God's sorrow
and then the tranquil swift dawn of God's tomorrow.

Why then, do I fear?
God is here,

deep within,
Life grandly vibrant,
Love scandalously flagrant,
yet heart quietly homing
and Lord wisely lording.

But, then, - why do I fear?

--David J. Hassel SJ

*I read these words late this evening, and found myself immediately immersed in them, as if they were my own...prayers. May whoever reads these words find themselves turning against fear and swimming upstream and into the sea of God's Peace*

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see...

God, my Father,
You alone know my heart. I readily admit to the ways I don't trust you in this, past and present. I admit because you already know so well! I cry out to you again, as I did when you first heard my breaking heart twelve years ago. God, do something big! Prove yourself true and faithful. It's not that I necessarily need you to, because I would trust you anyway. But I WANT you to! I want to give you the loudest shout of alleluia that my heart holds within itself! I want to not have to keep this as a distant hope in my heart anymore. I want to bear the testimony that you do supernatural and miraculous things when people trust you! I want to testify to your care for your children! I believe in you, my God. I ask for forgiveness for the times I haven't and also for the times when I believed, but still walked the other way...Only your grace and redemption could still bring this to pass, but I know if you do, then it's because it's an important part of your plan, and I truly believe that it is...So, I pray for this and I pray for you to get all the credit and bring many to believe through the testimony you have prepared...Lord, I'm just waiting to sing out your praises for your goodness and faithfullness in this situation...Let it be! Amen! AMDG!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Prayer is...

Prayer is the lisping of the believing infant, the shout of the fighting believer, the requiem of the dying saint falling asleep in Jesus. It is the breath, the watchword, the comfort, the strength, the honour of a Christian. If thou be a child of God, thou wilt seek thy Father's face, and live in thy Father's love. Pray that this year thou mayst be holy, humble, zealous, and patient; have closer communion with Christ, and enter oftener into the banqueting-house of His love. Pray that thou mayst be an example and a blessing unto others, and that thou mayst live more to the glory of thy Master. The motto for this year must be, "Continue in prayer."

(an exerpt from the January 2nd Morning and Evening devotions by Charles Spurgeon)
available at www.crosswalk.com/faith/devotionals