Wednesday, June 28, 2006


I am wondering why it seems that only during the extremely emotional times, that I come back to this blog to spill my guts... "Why, why why?" And of course, I already know why and so it goes that my own little rhetorical world lives on! I am a songwriter, I am a "feeler" by nature and in these times, we drama queens and kings of the world must find an outlet to divulge these highs and lows. Besides, how interesting is it to blog about going to the grocery store, or filling your tank with gas?

So,what I'm really trying to say is that I'm discouraged. I think I'm supposed to move to Denver. Yes, that is where I'm going. I'm over the difficult separation of leaving this place, I'm ready to go, but I guess I'm discouraged that I don't know where I'm going to live. It is at this point, that I discount my own emotions and think, "quit being a baby, Krista!" And then little Holy Spirit voice says, "I will take care of You" and then I start to blubber and cry nonetheless! "But I want to know NOW!" And I think of Jesus saying, "the Son of Man has no place to lay his head". And I think, "well, I'm not the son of man, Lord!!!" (Aren't we all relieved about that!)

I've been a Craig's List Junkie for the past month trying to find the perfect place (meaning nearly Free, not in gangsta land and able to have a dog!) and doggonnit, pun totally intended, I just can't seem to land it!

Lord, please keep me from the ridiculous, please keep me trusting you and please help me to be praying more for others instead of blubbering about myself.