Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Daniel Fast... (Day 8, or so)

I have been embarking on a Daniel Fast. It began quite as an accident, but I use the word "accident" very loosely. With God, nothing is accidental. I thought I'd be very strict with myself, so as to beat these crusty demons out of me - (water only for 10 days, steel yourself for the battle)...then I fell flat on my face by the middle of the first day, so hungry and weak and unable. On the way home from work that day I thought "I'll just go get some vegetables from the store"...and right there in Sunflower Market, in the produce section, I hear the word of the Lord..."I want you to desire the things that are pure"... So, I bought stock in veggies and fruits that day, and I have become quite creative, but it is something, yes, it is something! It is the work of the Spirit in me...(so good is God)...that every time I eat I feel him rejoicing over me as I fill up on these vegetables and fruits...I mean, there is nothing magical about veggies...but just as Jesus revealed things through the commonplace, so that they weren't commonplace any longer upon his touch. So it is here.
I feel so much freedom and it is a beautiful thing.

I want to desire the things that are pure. I want to desire all of God.

I feel like there is a flower blooming right out of my heart. I feel like I just took my fingers out of my ears. I feel like I'm coming alive again.