Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Advent Reflection...

I just got this from an email from the Chaplain at Denver Seminary, who is also my professor for the class I've been taking this semester called "Readings of the Spiritual Masters". Somehow, Advent snuck up on me this year. I will blog more later about it's personal meaning, but for now, I wanted to post this Advent Reflection from our Chaplain to help in preparation...

This Sunday, December 2, is the beginning of Advent season in which we look forward in hope to the celebration of the Feast of Christmas. I hope this reflection will begin your preparation for the coming of Christ in a new and fresh way into your heart and into your world.

Luke 3:1-6---A time of preparation
"We have come to understand a threefold coming of the Lord. The third coming lies between the other two. Two of the comings are clearly visible, but the third is not. In the first coming the Lord was seen on earth, dwelling among us; and as he himself testified, they saw him and hated him. In his final coming all flesh shall see the salvation of our God, and they will look on him whom they pierced. The intermediate coming is hidden, in which only his chosen recognize his presence within themselves and their souls are saved. In his first coming our Lord came in our flesh and in our weakness; in the intermediate coming he comes in spirit and in power; in his final coming, he will be seen in glory and majesty. This intermediate coming is like a road on which we travel from his first coming to his last. In the first, Christ was our redemption; in the last, he will appear as our life; in his intermediate coming, he is our comfort and our rest." ---Bernard of Clairvaux

Advent trains us to recognize His hidden comings. How has He come to you recently?

"Loving Saviour, be pleased to show yourself to us who knock, so that in knowing you we may love only you, love you alone, desire you alone, contemplate only you day and night, and always think of you. Inspire in us the depth of love that is fitting for you to recieve as God. So may your love pervade our whole being, possess us completely, and fill all our senses, that we may know no other love but love for you who are everlasting. May our love be so great that the many waters of sky, land and sea connot extinguish it in us: for many waters cannot quench love. May this saying be fulfilled in us also, at least in part, by your gift, Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen." ---Columbanus (543-615)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

a year in the life of me...

I am having a stare down with the big 3-0 and I feel strangely excited about it. Today marks the one year anniversary of working at Hope House. Once again, I marvel at what has happened in the last 365 days of my fleeting life. Here are some things I've learned:

I've Learned That...

1) When God really wants to get your attention, don't worry, he will. It might even be while you're buying makeup at Target.

2) Having to give your dog away really, really, really sucks.

3)It's possible to have the flu, a cold, sinus infection, bronchitus and pinkeye all at the same time...and survive to tell about it.

4) that my "mommy" clock is ticking, and that's okay.

5)Just because I don't see an outcome doesn't mean that God isn't doing something behind the scenes.

6) I miss the Catholic Church, but that doesn't necessarily mean that's where I'm supposed to be right now.

7) You can run a full marathon and a year later not be able to run 2 miles without having to stop...dangit!

8)That I really miss being in a close community of people my own age.

9)God cared that I wanted a sunroom in my next house

10) When I get depressed, my house gets dirty

11) It's okay to admit that I'm really lonely. It doesn't mean I trust less, it just means I feel more.

12) I miss youth ministry

13) I love working with teen moms

14) I can really love someone even when they're about to punch me in the face.

15) Getting snowed in at work for 3 days isn't really that bad!!!

16) Craigslist ROCKS!

17) Jettas are evil

18) Having your own space is a really healthy thing.

19) Dressing up as Tigger for Halloween 2 years in a row is great fun

20) The smallest gesture of interest means A LOT when you've waited a really long time for it.

21) God has it all.