Saturday, February 17, 2018

40:40 Day 4: Taking the exit off of Procrastination Road...

So, this is going to be the shortest blog post that I write.  I have determined to write SOMETHING every day of Lent, but the past 4 days, I have waited until late at night to write, thus blowing my earlier bed times and thus perpetuating the late to bed, late to rise thing.  And believe me, it is a THING. Grrrr..."There is no condemnation, there is no condemnation"...

More on that later.  I guess I'm saying, I feel the pull (in my spirit) to be up and writing in the early mornings, but my flesh kicks and screams and PROCRASTINATES...I procrastinate going to bed AND getting up - ALL. THE. TIME.

The Lord has been talking to me about getting really, I mean really intentional with things. Having a plan and discipline.  As in, being a DISCIPLE.  (Same root word, Hello!) So, I'm starting  and coming into agreement with a different WAY by just saying it here and now.  It's time.  It's past time.  Now has always been the time.  Turn signal is on.

I'm exiting off of Procrastination Road...

Hello, tomorrow morning, 2-18-18.

What road are you exiting?

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